Paper Toy for Diego.
My love for paper only grows. Paper is one of the most versatile materials that I know. You can make anything out of paper.
Here's a little toy that I made for Diego. I built the body with strong paper and then I painted on it with watercolors.
Diego was so excited to see it! His eyes were wide open with an expression of fascination. Then, with his funny little loud voice he said: Hey Mom! Can I crush it? Natalie jumped from her chair and said: Are you kidding? And he said: NO. Of course he wasn't kidding, but the whole story had a happy ending. I taught Diego a way to play with it pacifically. You push the top and the bunny jumps a little bit.
I asked Diego why he wanted to crush the toy and he said: because I'm so strong! So I asked him: How did you get so strong Diego? And he said: because I drink whole grain water!!!
I'm telling you, there isn't a toy on planet Earth that is as fun as Diego is. This thing about the whole grain water made Natalie and I laugh for an eternity! :) :) :)
ps. Diego is not aggressive at all, he has never been thank God. He's just very honest. Diego says exactly what is in his mind.