Red Cameo Pin and Lost in Translation :o
Dear friend,
Today I wanted to show you another cameo pin that I made for myself :) It took some work to get the final result because I really I wanted to add many little details but I am so happy with the final result.
The red is a lot more red in person. The other color is ivory and the patina gray. This little birdie makes me smile, he is so sweet and his little eye is sooooo round :)
But I also wanted to let you know that yesterday, I got lost in translation :o
Which means that I got lost when I was driving back home from the place where I took Diego. Diego is completely fine which is the most important thing but on the other hand I got so lost!!! It is a real miracle that I am writing this post today :o
But it could have been worse. In the end I only spent OVER TWO LITTLE HOURS driving in the wrong direction. Yay!!! :( Three wonderful and well-intentioned people (and I say this without any irony) gave me directions, each one separately, in three different points where I decided to stop, and each one was death wrong! So I had to call someone also wonderful but with a better sense of geography and that was Bill.
The only little detail is that Bill was in Australia and it was 5:00 am over there! But he woke up, answered the phone, opened his eyes wide open, went to mapquest, located the place where I was in at the moment and over the phone he guided me back home! Can you believe what technology can do? And a hubby happy to help his wife?!!
I am so happy to be home right now sharing this with you!
And the moral of this story is: No matter how lost you may get, there is always a way back home. Yay!!!
Elsita :)
And today you can visit The Hidden Seed for a little bit of glamour :)