"Modern Bakelite" on Etsy:)
New pin! New cameo pin on ETSY!
I am sooo in love with these lady cameo pins that I created when I was away from my bloggy! I have made different cameo pins before but I wanted to create a special kind that looked antique, in black and ivory color with a tiny vintage crystal integrated in the design. The scalloped edge was a must in my mind too :)
And here is the result! The material is Polymer Clay again. As we know, this material is extremely versatile; if you take the time to work on it you can make it look like wood, bakelite, stone, even glass...
In this case I went for the bakelite look. This look can be achieved by eliminating the finger prints with sand paper and by polishing the surface of the material instead of applying varnish on it. It takes a little longer but the result is worth the time. And then I applied my favorite delicate powdery white patina to complete the old look.
I carefully cut the little girl's profile with the same x-Acto knife that I use for my papercuts. I did this operation with each pin so each one is slightly different and 100% unique :) I wanted the profile to look a little bit primitive to add charm and a more antique look to the piece. Sometimes I had to redo the whole thing over and over until and got a profile that I liked. I did this when the material was soft and then the hair was carved with a sharp tool after the material was cured.