Hello my friend!

Looooong sigh now as we look at the landscape......................................
It's soooooo wonderful to visit another planet!
Far away from the land of Los Angeles City!

We couldn't ask for a better vacation :)

Imagine stopping and noticing something special around you with every step.
Like those tiny blue birds up there in the photos, they stay still while you take pictures of them next to their houses.

Horses wearing sunglasses to keep the bugs away :0

In his explorations Bill found this quiet river...

Perfect for our little man El Diego, who wanted to stay there forever while Natalie and I went treasure hunting (little rocks, pieces of wood, etc.)

Hello wild flowers! We just love these little ones. They are such a gift from nature. I want to thank nature for wild flowers :) And also I want to thank my friend Margie for teaching me how to appreciate them :)

Playing and playing and playing!!!!!!!!!

And playing again with the kids! What could be more fun?!

Well, maybe some Harmonica concert in the woods by Billy-Billy with the enthusiastic audience of one adult and two children.

And then, some quiet time in the middle of nature for creating something with my hands. I am so grateful for this precious time spent with the family! Now that I am back I feel so strong and motivated to keep going. Today, as every Monday, will be very busy because Diego will go back to his intense therapies, Bill will go back to his busy job and Natalie is the luckiest one! She doesn't have to go to school until September!!! Yay!!! She will spend hours drawing, painting, cutting papers and just having fun. I want to be Natalie!
I hope that life is going well for you around this time. Things are never perfect but something is for sure: a good state of mind can make a huge difference! I say that from a scale of 1 to 10 we should keep our level of positivism around 11.5!!! Now I must go but I will be back tomorrow!
Have a great Monday!
Elsita :)